Section 7.6. 33 Five (5) vacation days currently due but unused by the new accrual date each year may be carried over 34 for one (1) year following the accrual date. No vacation may be carried over for more than one (1) year 35 beyond the date on which it became due; provided, however, no employee shall be denied accrued 36 vacation benefits due to District employment needs.
Section 7.6. 18 Regular part-time qualified personnel from within the same kitchen shall be given preference in filling 19 a casual substitute vacancy in any classification.
Section 7.6. 22 Employees required to work a shift/hours outside their current classification, shall receive 23 compensation equal to the regular rate of pay at the appropriate level for their years of service in the 24 district as listed on Schedule A for that position (job title/classification), or their own regular rate of 25 pay, whichever is higher. The employee will receive the higher rate of pay if the assignment is at least 26 3 consecutive hours. 27
Section 7.6. 17 Hours worked outside the employee’s scheduled shift shall at the employee’s option, shall be accrued 18 as comp time, or as hours worked for pay and shall comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act. The 19 accrual and use of Comp time shall be approved by the administrator or program supervisor.
Section 7.6. 7 Employees will be paid their regular hourly rate for the actual time spent in meetings required by the 8 District, one-half (1/2) hour will constitute the minimum payment for attending.
Section 7.6. 2 The returning employee will not necessarily be assigned to the identical position occupied before the 3 leave of absence. However, provided a vacancy exists for which the employee is qualified, the employee 4 shall be reinstated to a position equivalent in duties and salary to that held at the time the request for leave 5 of absence was approved. When no equivalent vacancy exists, the employee may apply for any existing 6 vacancy.
Section 7.6. 20 Employees requested to work a shift regularly filled by a higher classification employee shall receive 21 compensation at their seniority step level and at the rate of pay of the position for which they are 22 subbing. If asked to substitute, during their regular work shift, for a classification that is lower, the 23 employee shall receive their normal rate of pay.
Section 7.6. 34 Employees requested to work a shift regularly filled by a higher classification employee shall receive 35 compensation equal to that normally received by the employee in the higher classification, provided 36 that such an employee has worked one (1) day or more in the higher classification position. 37 Subsequent times filling the same higher classification position by the same employee will be 38 compensated at the higher rate for the entire time worked.
Section 7.6. 43 When the District determines that a higher paid position needs to be filled in the absence of a regular 44 employee, the employee who works the shift will receive the higher rate from the first (1st) day of the 45 assignment.
Section 7.6. 10 Recognizing that personnel in the transportation classification present special shift problems, the 11 parties agree that shifts shall be established in that classification in relation to routes and driving times