Married individual definition
Examples of Married individual in a sentence
In filing federal income tax returns, my filing status is: [ ] Married individual filing joint return; [ ] Head of household; Unmarried individual; [ ] Married individual filing separate return.
In this clause, a 'financial benefit' means a benefit,direct or indirect, which is either money or has a monetary value.(2) Scope and powers permitting trustees’ or connected persons’ benefits.
For purposes of this Subpart L, the/“ current market value” of an item is defined as the price that item can reasonably be expected to sell for on the open market in the particular geo graphic area involved.§ 416.1202 Deeming of resources.(a) Married individual.
Married individual accounted for 53%, singles accounted for 35% while the widow/widower accounted for 11%.
Married individual bears responsibility of dependents in the family which in turn strongly influences risk perception of that individual.
A Married individual who is the sole owner of a Home is deemed to be the Primary Resident Member and may designate only such Owner’s spouse as a Resident Member, and Membership Usage Privileges shall extend to such Owner, such spouse (if so designated) and the respective Dependent Children of such Owner and such spouse (if such spouse is so designated).
In filing federal income tax returns, my filing status is: _ Married individual filing joint return; _ Head of household; _ Unmarried individual; _ Married individual filing separate return.
Married individual are considered responsible based on societal norm and they tend to engage in different livelihood diversification strategies to cater for the family needs.