Matching Grants definition
Examples of Matching Grants in a sentence
The PPMUs will participate as members in the Board of the Matching Grants Program for matching grant proposals relevant to their respective provinces.
In view of the possibility of different financing percentages under matching grants depending on the beneficiary, the internal audit will also examine the financing percentage and amount paid under the Matching Grants part.
In addition, investments proposals for women-led producer organizations to the matching grant schemes will receive higher scoring, and upon approval, can receive a higher matching grant share in the total investment (as outlined in the Matching Grants Operations Manual).
These will have responsibility to: (a) participate as members in the Board of the Matching Grants Program for matching grant proposals relevant to their respective provinces; (b) be responsible for the implementation and technical supervision of the project activities implemented under Component 2, sub-component2.2. and 2.3 under the overall implementation responsibility of MOA; and (c) closely coordinate overall implementation with MOA and provide progress reports to the PMU on regular basis.
These will have responsibility to: (a) participate as members in the Board of the Matching Grants Program for matching grant proposals relevant to their respective provinces; (b) be responsible for the implementation and technical supervision of the project activities implemented under Component 2, sub-component 2.2. and 2.3 under the overall implementation responsibility of MOA; and (c) closely coordinate overall implementation with MOA and provide progress reports to the PMU on regular basis.