Examples of Elective Deferrals in a sentence
The following information pertains to all of my other employers for the current calendar year: Includible Earnings $ ; Elective Deferrals and/or salary reduction contributions to a Roth 403(b) or Roth 401(k) plan $ ; Non-elective Contributions $ .
Unless an election is otherwise revised, if an Employee is absent from work by leave of absence, Elective Deferrals under the Plan shall continue to the extent that Compensation continues.
As the title implies, the record is split among four bands: Croco- diles, Graffiti Island, Dum Dum Girls and PENS.
The participation election shall also include designation of the Funding Vehicles and Accounts therein to which Elective Deferrals are to be made.
Contributions to the Plan are subject to applicable employment taxes (including, if applicable, Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes with respect to Elective Deferrals, which constitute wages under section 3121 of the Code).