Material conflict of interest definition
Examples of Material conflict of interest in a sentence
Accordingly, using an abundance of caution I declare a Material conflict of interest.
Material conflict of interest situations should be discussed with the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer (the “Fund CCO”)1, who shall serve as the Compliance Officer for this Code.
Cr J Walsh declared a Material conflict of interest in Agenda item 4.2 being the Planning Application - Amendment to Application 2020/103 - 3 Back Eildon Road, Thornton due to his wife being an Executive Member of a Committee which receives sponsorship from the applicant.
Councillor Poynter declared a Material conflict of interest pursuant to Section 75 of the Local Government Act 1999 in Agenda Item 7.2 Mayor Mislov – 2023 Christmas Pageant as she is a sponsor of the event.
Councillor Cowley declared a Material conflict of interest pursuant to Section 75 of the Local Government Act 1999 in Agenda Item 5.1 West Coast Youth and Community Services Inc.