Discriminatory practice means the violation of law referred to in Section 46a-51
Discriminatory housing practice means an act that is unlawful under this chapter.
discriminatory action means any action or threat of action by an employer that does or would adversely affect an employee with respect to any terms or conditions of employment or opportunity for promotion, and includes termination, layoff, suspension, demotion or transfer of an employee, discontinuation or elimination of a job, change of a job location, reduction in wages, change in hours of work, reprimand, coercion, intimidation or the imposition of any discipline or other penalty but does not include:
Material Change in Formula means the occurrence since the Launch Date of a material change in the formula for, or the method of, calculating the Reference Price.
Discriminatory Change in Law means a Change in Law the terms of which specifically (and not merely indirectly or consequentially or by virtue of the disproportionate effect of any Change in Law that is of general application) apply to:
non-discriminatory means treatment no less favourable than that accorded to any other user of like public telecommunications transport networks or services in like circumstances;
Material and substantial disruption of a normal school activity means:
Competitive and Non-Discriminatory Hedging Contract means a contract to hedge a risk associated with a product offered in the ISO Administered Markets between a Non-Qualifying Entry Sponsor and the Developer, Owner or Operator of an Examined Facility with a term that shall not exceed three years (inclusive of all options to extend and extensions) and that the ISO determines has been executed pursuant to a procurement process that satisfies the requirements enumerated below. Competitive and Non-Discriminatory Hedging Contracts shall not be deemed to be a non-qualifying contractual relationship that would prevent an Examined Facility from obtaining a Competitive Entry Exemption pursuant to of Attachment H of this Services Tariff. The ISO shall determine that a contract is a Competitive and Non-Discriminatory Hedging Contract only if it concludes, and the Non-Qualifying Entry Sponsor executes a certification confirming that, the contract was executed through a procurement process that met all of the following requirements: (A) both new and existing resources satisfy the requirements of the procurement; (B) the requirements of the procurement were fully objective and transparent ; (C) the contract was awarded based on the lowest cost offers of qualified bidders that responded to the solicitation; (D) the procurement terms did not restrict the type of capacity resources that may participate in, and satisfy the requirements of, the procurement; (E) the procurement terms did not include selection criteria that could otherwise give preference to new resources; and (F) the procurement terms did not use indirect means to discriminate against existing resources, including, but not limited to, by imposing geographic constraints, unit fuel requirements, maximum unit heat-rate requirements or requirements for new construction.
Established business relationship means a relationship between a seller and a consumer based on:
Unfair labor practice means the commission of an act designated an unfair labor practice
Uniformly Applicable as referred to above, means a modification by which holders of debt securities of any series affected by that modification are invited to exchange, convert or substitute their debt securities on the same terms for (x) the same new instruments or other consideration or (y) new instruments or other consideration from an identical menu of instruments or other consideration. It is understood that a modification will not be considered to be uniformly applicable if each exchanging, converting or substituting holder of debt securities of any series affected by that modification is not offered the same amount of consideration per amount of principal, the same amount of consideration per amount of interest accrued but unpaid and the same amount of consideration per amount of past due interest, respectively, as that offered to each other exchanging, converting or substituting holder of debt securities of any series affected by that modification (or, where a menu of instruments or other consideration is offered, each exchanging, converting or substituting holder of debt securities of any series affected by that modification is not offered the same amount of consideration per amount of principal, the same amount of consideration per amount of interest accrued but unpaid and the same amount of consideration per amount of past due interest, respectively, as that offered to each other exchanging, converting or substituting holder of debt securities of any series affected by that modification electing the same option under such menu of instruments).
Material Change in Content means the occurrence since the Launch Date of a material change in the content, composition or constitution of the Futures Contract or the Commodity.
Material Modifications means any modifications to the material related party transactions which were approved by the Audit Committee or Shareholders during the year which will change the complete nature of the transaction and in case of monetary thresholds which is in excess of 10% of the originally approved transaction, in case of exigencies only.
Selective contracting arrangement means an arrangement in which a carrier participates in selective contracting with one or more providers, and which arrangement contains reasonable benefit differentials, including, but not limited to, predetermined fee or reimbursement rates for covered benefits applicable to participating and nonparticipating providers.
Good Laboratory Practices or “GLP” means the regulations set forth in 21 C.F.R. Part 58 and the requirements expressed or implied thereunder imposed by the FDA and (as applicable) any equivalent or similar standards in jurisdictions outside the United States.
Disciplinary change in placement means a suspension or removal from a student’s current educational placement that is either:
Qualified Census Tract means any Census tract which is designated by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as having 50 percent or more of the households at an income level which is less than 60 percent of the Area Gross Median Income in accordance with Section 42(d)(5) of the Code.
Likelihood of serious harm means either: (a) A substantial
Single event permit means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter 9, Part 3, Single Event Permit.
Material Events means events as specified in Schedule III to the Listing Regulations and upon the occurrence of which a listed entity shall make disclosures to stock exchange(s) and host such disclosures on the listed entity’s website.
Reasonable grounds means that a reasonable person in your position would also suspect the information indicates misconduct or a breach of the law.
Adverse impact on visibility means visibility impairment which interferes with the management, protection, preservation or enjoyment of the visi- tor’s visual experience of the Federal Class I area. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, in- tensity, duration, frequency and time of visibility impairment, and how these factors correlate with (1) times of vis- itor use of the Federal Class I area, and(2) the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility.
Material Modification means any modification to an Interconnection Request that has a material adverse effect on the cost or timing of Interconnection Studies related to, or any Network Upgrades or Local Upgrades needed to accommodate, any Interconnection Request with a later Queue Position.
Group practice means a group of two or more health care providers legally organized as a partnership, professional corporation, or similar association:
Discrimination on the basis of disability means any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. It includes all forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable accommodation;
Prospective contractor means a person who is subject to the competitive sealed proposal process set forth in the Procurement Code or is not required to submit a competitive sealed proposal because that person qualifies for a sole source or a small purchase contract.