Examples of Mayor Pro Tem in a sentence
No City officer, employee or agent except the Mayor (or Mayor Pro Tem) has the authority to award contracts or legally obligate the City to any contract.
In the Mayor’s absence, the Mayor Pro Tem shall fulfill the role of the Mayor.
If both the Mayor Pro Tem and the Mayor are absent, the City Council shall choose by majority vote a temporary chair who shall fulfill the administrative duties of presiding over the City Council Meeting.
Councilor Woodson made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Allen and carried unanimously by the nine members present, with Councilor Huff being absent for the meeting.
Nothing in this provision shall either abridge or delegate the duties of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem or the City Council as provided in Article III of the Mesquite City Charter, except as to the sole issue of fulfilling administrative duties and conducting and directing business during a meeting.
Tate, Jr. Mayor Pro Tem Gloria Nix Councilmember Andrew EbelCouncilmember Danny Goss Yes Yes YesYesCouncilmember Keith HerringCouncilmember Mary E.
In the absence of both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, the Council members present shall elect a Presiding Officer.
Voting Yea: Mayor Nelson, Mayor Pro Tem Childers, Councilwoman Brown, Councilman Folse, Councilwoman Sitz, Councilman Westmoreland.
Voting Yea: Mayor Nelson, Councilwoman Brown, Mayor Pro Tem Folse, Councilwoman Sitz, Councilman Westmoreland, Councilman Finlay.
The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Burnett, Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor Pro Tem declared said resolution duly adopted.