MCLE Commission definition
Examples of MCLE Commission in a sentence
The Jurisdiction’s Supreme Court shall establish an MCLE Commission to develop MCLE regulations and oversee the administration of MCLE.
The MCLE Commission may waive the requirements of these rules for a period of one year or longer, upon a finding of undue hardship, or of extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the attorney seeking such waiver, which prevent him or her from complying in any reasonable manner with these rules.
This rule will take effect immediately with respect to the appointment of the MCLE Commission and the performance by the Commission of the adoption and promulgation of regulations and rules of procedure, the designation of persons, corporations or other entities as sponsors of automatically approved MCLE courses, and the approval of specific courses for MCLE credits.
An attorney may file a request for waiver or makeup consideration to the MCLE Commission via the MCLE Portal with full explanation of the extraordinary circumstances supporting the request.
Presumptively accredited providers shall allow the West Virginia State Bar or MCLE Commission members and staff to audit, free of charge, any of its accredited continuing legal education programs.
The MCLE Commission shall review and approve or disapprove each request on an individual basis.
Upon expiration of the waiver, the MCLE Commission may impose any additional MCLE requirements as may be deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
Fire walls shall extend to the outer edge of horizontal projecting elements such as balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees, and architectural projections that are within 48 in.
On or before June 30 of that MCLE reporting year, each attorney shall file the date of attendance with the MCLE Commission via the MCLE Portal in such form as the Commission shall prescribe, documenting compliance with this requirement.
Splines represent the community dissimilarly change associated with each significant variable over its range of values: Geography (geographical distance), Clay % (percentage mass of clay in fine-earth fraction) and dSDI (change in landscape SDI).