MDB Committee definition
Examples of MDB Committee in a sentence
Should the MDB Committee reach an agreement to include it in the sealed pipeline in June and subject to resource availability, the World Bank would like to consider submitting a new funding request equivalent to that amount.
The MDB Committee will strive to promote a balanced distribution of funds through each of the MDB partners.
Therefore, in agreeing upon the approval calendar, the MDB Committee should consider the funds already approved under each investment plan and, in the aggregate, for each region and should seek to achieve an equitable balance among plans and regions.
The CIF Administrative Unit will develop guidelines, in close cooperation with the MDB Committee, and the respective results specialists.
When issues arise, the MDB Committee will review the available resource and programming needs within the pipeline requirements of each MDB and agree on a “schedule of approvals” following prioritization criteria as set forth in Section II below.
An MDB Committee will be established to ‘facilitate collaboration, coordination and information exchange among the MDBs’ and will meet at a frequency to be determined by the Committee but no less than once a year (World Bank, 2008c: 12 – 13, para 42; 2008d: 17, para 42).
A senior representative from the World Bank and a representative from the MDBs (chosen by the MDB Committee) will also sit on the respective Trust Fund Committees although they will not be entitled to vote.
Preparation of proposal for composition of Expert Group by MDB Committee and confirmation of availability of proposed experts.
Hence, programming projections should be as realistic as possible with regard to the timing of program or project processing and should include information on the expected timeline for committing resources, including the expected date of final MDB approval, so that the MDB Committee can accurately predict resource needs and cash flows.
The CIF Administrative Unit, working with MDB Committee, coordinates two processes: (a) building the system for effective monitoring and reporting (e.g. developing and communicating guidance); and (b) aggregating collectedquantitative data and synthesizing qualitative information across country programs and CIF funding programs.