Meander line definition
Examples of Meander line in a sentence
Meander line bearing and distance along the bearing and distance from meander line to water’s edge.
Meander line" means fixed determinable lines run by the federal government along the banks of all navigable bodies of water and other important rivers and lakes for the purpose of defining the sinuosities of the shore or bank and as a means of ascertaining the areas of fractional subdivisions of the public lands bordering thereon.
Utilize of simulator ANSYS HFSS-13 has done for simulation of anticipated customized Wideband Bandreject Filter with Meander line structure and cross coupling.
Evolution steps of proposed antenna, (a) meander line antenna, (b) meander line with end spiral antenna, (c) Meander line with end spiral and T -match network, (d) Proposed antenna.
The building of the Waterside suite had commenced during the fieldwork for this inspection and planning permission for the Mahon Road suite was about to be applied for.
Meander line structure used in shut open stub resonator which reduces electrical length of the filter.
Changes were made at the center of transmission line (i.e. Meander line structure used).
Meander line and zig-zag antennas have been studied for their capability in antenna size-reduction.
The probe pitch is 50 µm.a) Thru of 50µm, b) Reflect pad open, c) Line of 160 µm, d) Load, e) Pad short, f) Transistor-open and g) Meander line.
Dependent Variable: Project performance The regression model equation is; Y=a+b1.