Examples of Measurable Skill Gains in a sentence
Guidance Received via email from ESD System Performance to ESD Monitoring on 3-6-18:If a WIOA participant is in non-WIOA funded training and recorded in MIS as “Training Paid by Other”, Measurable Skill Gains and Credential Earned performance indicators are not captured.
Continued on next page… Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains Continued… ☐ N/A, not participating in applicable services or no measurable skill gain documented at the time of monitoring Educational Functioning Level (EFL): ☐ N/A ☐ YES, the most recent date the achieved at least one EFL is recorded in MIS and validated by one of the following: (ESD Policy 1003, Rev.
For PY 2018, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) implemented only the Measurable Skill Gains performance measure, and TWC did not achieve 90 percent of the negotiated target.
As a result, performance levels are being reported for only Measurable Skill Gains at this time.
Adherence of professionals to a code ethics is largely and generally a voluntary matter.
The Measurable Skill Gains indicator calculates the number of participants who attain at least one type of gain during each period of participation within a given program year by dividing the total number in the numerator by the total number in the denominator to produce the percentage of successful MSG attainment by the local area.
The Measurable Skill Gains indicator is the percentage of participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving documented academic, technical, occupational, or other forms of progress, towards such a credential or employment.
All participants who are in a Title I Adult or Dislocated Worker-funded training program are included in the Measurable Skill Gains indicator (which includes funding a training program for a secondary school program equivalent).
Incarcerated learners who remain incarcerated after exit are exempt from all indicators except for Measurable Skill Gains.
Depending on the type of education or training program in which a participant is enrolled, progress is defined as one of the following five types of Measurable Skill Gains.