Examples of Measurement Methodology in a sentence
Measurement Methodology Case managers will track households served by this program through individual chart logs, comprehensive assessment tools, and program notes.
This information must be consistent with the information in the electronic Project Programming Request form that is submitted with the project nomination (refer to Appendix B).• Commission staff may contact applicants for additional information.• Please refer to the Senate Bill (SB) 1 Technical Performance Measurement Methodology Guidebook which includes additional information and resources for completing the table.
Refer to Part B – Planning: Area Measurement Methodology for a description of how to measure areas off the plans.
The required Performance Metrics in Appendix C may be submitted as part of the ePPR.• Performance metrics must be applicable and relevant to the proposed project scope and support the narrative of the project.• The SB 1 Technical Performance Measurement Methodology Guidebook provides instructions on how to complete required performance metrics.
The Commission’s SB 1 Technical Performance Measurement Methodology Guidebook provides instructions on how to complete required performance metrics.
Measurement Methodology (including description)Student Groups in Your Student Population Increased Participation of Under-Represented Students — Programs/StrategiesInstructions: Referring to your approved MYAA Action Plan, list: each access improvement strategy/program planned for the fiscal year being reported; whether the strategy/program was executed; the result achieved; any variance from the targeted result; an explanation of the variance; and, planned remedial action.
More than 80% of listed companies do not receive positive scores in the impact engine and are therefore not candidates for investment: https://impact.whebgroup.com/impact-map/ Further information on the methodology behind the impact mapping is set out in WHEB’s Impact Measurement Methodology.
Performance Measurement Methodology The Trustees determined that the Fund’s performance in achieving its intended result would be measured via surveying those who received benefits from the Fund, Commanding Officers, Personnel Officers and others who are involved in managing and/or administering recipients of Fund benefits.
From BJS, we wish to thank Charles Kindermann, Chief of Crime Measurement, Methodology, and Systems Support, and Patsy Klaus of the Victimization Statistics Branch for their work in planning and fielding the SCS.
Measurement Methodology Project staff will note the date that all documentation is received by the participant and the date the coupon is issued.