Examples of Media filter in a sentence
Media filter will meet the specifications of the Western Washington Technical Assessment Protocol-Ecology (TAPE) program and Municipal regional permit requirements for NON-LID measures.
Media filter cartridges Filter Cartridges Full Filter cartridge media appears dark.
The clarified & dis-infected water will be then fed to filtration unit by means of a filter feed pump.Filtration unit consisting of Dual Media filter, activated carbon filter and ozonator will remove the residual impurities such as odor/color, suspended solids, BOD/COD.
It also contains several filters, which help users to narrow the set of results.• In order to select the type of media, users can use the Media filter.
Media filter designs are amenable to ultra-urban constraints such as linear configurations and underground installations.
If it is implemented in Ethiopia, the power sharing arrangements will create a stable political situation in Ethiopia and ethnic conflict will reduce significantly and will help actors like the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), and the European Union (EU) to resolve conflicts in other war torn zones in the world.
Media filter drain mix replacement Water is seen on the surface of the media filter drain mix long after the storms have ceased.
Project:“Urban Square” Commercial ProjectConceptual Plan &Promoter:Bhumika Enterprises Pvt Ltd.Environmental Management Plan Filtration unit consisting of Dual Media filter, activated carbon filter will remove the residual impurities such as odour/colour, suspended solids, etc.
The injected water shall pass through a static mixer located a sufficient distance from the Media filter to provide at least 20 seconds of contact time.
Because of these delays, the Geosyntec and Brian Currier Study Design Team developed a revised monitoring plan (Geosyntec and Brian Currier, 2015) to reallocate budget that would have been used for field monitoring at the Nevin Avenue, Broadway and Redwood, and ESPS Media filter projects to other CW4CB retrofit projects.