Examples of Memorial tree in a sentence
Memorial tree leaves in the Memorial Garden at the Cemetery It was noted that the Council’s Assets & Services Committee had sought to replace the tarnished brass leaves on the Memorial Tree.
Members were also concerned that it would set a precedent in the village if the Parish Council took on a licence for this small area.RESOLVED that the Parish Council would not take on the licence for area at Wallfields Close.b) Covid Memorial tree / another memorialMembers considered possible memorials to those who have been affected by the Covid pandemic.
Memorial tree requests: future requests will now be directed to Peter Butler in addition to Jane Murphy.
Committee received the report on the Memorial tree and were pleased to note the clearance already made on the dirt mound situated on the Cemetery allotment site.
Brian Staley Memorial tree was raised again, this has been previously agreed but a location was needed.
AOCB – Memorial tree to David Rintoul, Scottish Book Week Book Sale.
Funds will be applied for to pay for the costs of Ian Waite’s Memorial tree.
He would plant the Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee tree and Prince Phillip’s Memorial tree as soon as possible at the King George V Playing Field (KGV).
Memorial tree: Ian to meet with Maureen Shannon’s family this week to visit proposed site (tree planting area near Duke’s stone).
Cllr Austin to contact CCBC;• Memorial tree planted by the old post office - was this discussed at community council meeting;• Work on bridge and pathway finished.