First responder means an emergency medical care provider, a registered nurse staffing an authorized service program under Iowa Code section 147A.12, a physician assistant staffing an authorized service program under Iowa Code section 147A.13, a fire fighter, or a peace officer as defined in Iowa Code section 801.4 who is trained and authorized to administer an opioid antagonist.
First responder means a member at a First Responder Organisation who has a responsibility for discharging one or more of the functions of the First Responder Organisation and who has been trained to discharge those functions;
First responder means a public safety employee or volunteer whose duties include responding rapidly to an emergency. The term includes:
Examples of First responder in a sentence
First responder should avoid contact with the product.After inhalation:Remove dust source and provide fresh air or bring the person in fresh air.
First responder should avoid contact with the product where possible.After inhalation:Move the person into fresh air away from dust.
First responder participation is integral to the Guidelines’ success.
First responder should avoid contact with the product where possible.After inhalation:Take affected persons into fresh air.
First responder paramedic services are available on a 24-hour per day, 365 day per year basis throughout the entire ACFD service area.
More Definitions of First responder
First responder means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate issued under section 4765.30 of the Revised Code to practice as a first responder.
First responder means an individual who is:
First responder means provision of initial assess- ment and basic first-aid intervention, including cardiac pul- monary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator capability.
First responder means a person who, as a condition of employment or as a member of an organization that provides emergency medical care before hospitalization, provides emer- gency care to a sick, disabled or injured individual prior to the arrival of an ambulance, but who does not provide transportation for a patient.
First responder means any of the following:
First responder means a person who uses a limited amount of equipment to perform the initial assessment of and intervention with sick, wounded or otherwise incapacitated persons;
First responder means an individual certified by the Department to perform emergency medical services in accordance with the Oklahoma Emergency Response Systems Development Act and in accordance with the rules and standards promulgated by the Board;