Merchantable Timber means standing trees by spe- cies and product which are because of size and quality, salable within a reasonable time period from the subject lands.
Merchantable Timber means timber of acceptable quality of species identified in the appraisal completed for Lender, which are in excess of 35 years of age and which can be harvested without violation of applicable laws and regulations.
Merchantable Timber means timber that meets or exceeds the timber merchantability specifications that are described in Table 1-1. Timber that is graded dry Y or Z is not merchantable.
Examples of Merchantable Timber in a sentence
Merchantable timber, if any, shall be cut in appropriate lengths and decked along the roadside in locations where traveled way width or sight distances will not be impaired.
More Definitions of Merchantable Timber
Merchantable Timber means timber that meets or exceeds the timber merchantability specifications that are described in Table 1-1 for the Coast and in Table 1-2 for the Interior in this manual. Timber that is graded dry Y (5) or Z (Coast), graded dry 4, 6 or Z (Interior) is not merchantable.
Merchantable Timber means trees on a parcel of Crown Land which are of quality and in quantities sufficient to be commercially valuable in accordance with the policies of the Province then in effect in respect of the valuation and sale of Crown timber;
Merchantable Timber means Timber of all species within a Cutblock that is within Timber utilization specifications commonly used in the coastal forest industry in British Columbia;
Merchantable Timber means that portion of the Timber meeting the specifications for “Merchantable Timber” as described in Exhibit B.
Merchantable Timber means Timber that will produce at least one ------------------- (1) Merchantable Sawlog or Merchantable Pulpwood.
Merchantable Timber means timber stands that are 25 or more years old.
Merchantable Timber means timber that meets or exceeds the timber merchantability specifications described in the Provincial Logging Residue and Waste Measurements Procedures Manual, as amended or replaced from time to time;