Seller Use definition

Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered Included In Priority of Service Category 1. Other vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize service to its firm service Buyers.
Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered included in Priority of Service Category 1. Other vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize service to its firm service Buyers.
Seller Use means•fuelused for gas compression, LPG plantsand LNG plants,othergas neededby Seller'sfacilities to furnish the requirementsof Buyers,togetherwith unac_:o_ntefdor gas. This gas shallbeconsideredincludedin PriorityofService Category 1. OthervitalusesofSeller, suchas flamestabilizationrequirementsw, ill be met as long as suchusesdon0tjeopardizeserviceto Itsfirm serviceBuyers.

Examples of Seller Use in a sentence

  • For purposes of this Agreement, in the documents named in this subparagraph, the term "Supplier Use Tooling" shall be changed to Seller Use Tooling.

  • Seller Use of Certain Trademarks...............................43 SECTION 7.09.

  • Subsequent to the Closing Date, Purchaser shall permit Seller the reasonable use of the FC Support Office (or so much thereof as may be mutually agreed upon by Purchaser and Seller) and the Support Office Equipment for a period of up to twenty-four (24) months (or such shorter period as may be reasonably necessary -38- and convenient as mutually agreed upon by Purchaser and Seller) for the sole purpose of winding up the business affairs of each Seller ("Use Period").

  • Seller will repair, maintain, and replace as necessary all Seller Use Tools furnished under this Purchase Order and the cost for such services is included in the Purchase Order price.

  • Seller Use of Buyer Provided EIS Site Vehicles/Equipment (Applies only to Sellers who use a vehicle/equipment from Boeing EIS motor pools.) Pursuant to Buyer’s EIS prime contract, Buyer intends to utilize Government funds to purchase and/or obtain by lease a limited number of vehicles/equipment (cars, trucks, fork-lifts) for use by Buyer, Seller, and other Buyer subcontract Site Activation personnel for the sole purpose of supporting EIS contract requirements at various EIS sites.

More Definitions of Seller Use

Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plantsand LNG plants, other gas needed by Sellafs facilities to furnish the requirementsof Buyers,together with unaccountedfor gas. This gas shallbe consideredincluded inPriorityof Service Category 1. Othervital usesof Seller,suchasflame stabilizationrequirements,will bemetas longas suchuses donot jeopardizeserviceto its firm serviceBuyers.
Seller Use means ruel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's faalrtles lo furnish Iha requirements of Buyers, together wflh unac:oounled for gas. This gas shall be considered Included In Priority of Service Category 1. Olher vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabl1Izabon requirements, wiff be met as long as such uses do not)eopardlze selVice tolls flnn service Buyers.
Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered included in Priority of Seivice Category 1. Other vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize seivice to its firm seivice Buyers.
Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with
Seller Use shallmeanfuel used for gas compression, LPG plantsand LNG plants,othergas needed by Seller'sfacilities to furnish the requirementsof Buyers,togetherwith unaccountedfor gas. Thisgas shallbe considereidncludedin Priorityof ServiceCategory1. Othervitalusesof Seller,suchas flamestabilizatiornequirementsw, illbe metas long as suchuses donotjeopardizeservicetoitsfirm serviceBuyers.
Seller Use shallmean fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas neededby Seller's facilities to furnish the requirementsof Buyers,together with unaccountedfor gas. Thisgas shallbe consideredincluded in Priority of Service Category1. Other vitalusesof Seller, such as flame stabilizationrequirements,willbe metas longas such usesdo notjeopardizeserviceto itsfirm serviceBuyers.
Seller Use xxxXx mean fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Sellers facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered included in Priority of Service Category 1. Other vital uses of Selier, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize service to its firm service Buyers.