Milk producer definition

Milk producer or “producer” means a milk producer as defined in s. 97.22 (1) (f), Stats.
Milk producer means any person who owns or operates a dairy farm.
Milk producer means a person who produces milk on a dairy farm.

Examples of Milk producer in a sentence

  • Milk producer" means any person who operates a dairy farm and provides, sells or offers milk or milk products for sale.[PL 1999, c.

  • House HF2992 1 03/11/2004 Urdahl Milk producer payments provided to beginning milk producers, and dairy modernization grant program established.

  • Ministry of Fisheries, Animal husbandry and Dairying launched Special drive from 1st June to 31st July 2020, for KCC saturation of agriculture allied activities with special focus on providing all dairy farmers of Milk Cooperatives and Milk producer companies with Kisan Credit Card (KCC) and same has been extended from 1st Aug to 30th Sep 2020.

  • Facilitate for B2B MoU between Milk producer group and Adarsha Cooperative Mahuli.

  • Milk producer expertise and good production practices create a basis for tasty and safe dairy products.

More Definitions of Milk producer

Milk producer or “producer” means a person, partnership,
Milk producer means a person owning or keeping or otherwise having control of cow, buffalo, sheep or goat for the production of milk intended for sale or for conversion thereof to any milk product;
Milk producer means any person who operates a
Milk producer means a person who owns or operates a dairy farm and provides, sells, or offers milk for sale to a milk processing plant, receiving station, or transfer station;
Milk producer means any person who operates a dairy farm and who provides, sells, or
Milk producer means any person who owns or operates a dairy farm and who provides, sells or offers for sale grade A raw milk for pasteurization or milk or cream for manufacturing purposes to a milk plant, receiving station or transfer station.
Milk producer means a person that produces milk by the milking of cows, goats or sheep;