Examples of Minister for Public Sector Management in a sentence
A member, other than a member who is an officer of the Public Service of the State, shall be paid such remuneration and travelling and other allowances as the Minister from time to time determines on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management 3.
An appointed member is entitled to such remuneration and travelling and other allowances as are determined in his or her case by the Minister on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management.
Clause 9 Remuneration and allowances The Minister may determine remuneration for a member of the Board or a committee on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management ensuring that members are paid in accordance with current Government policy.
A member is to be paid such remuneration and travelling and other allowances as are determined in his or her case by the Minister on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management.
Subject to this Schedule, the Governor may, on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management, determine other terms and conditions of service (if any) that apply to the Chief Executive Officer.
A Report to the Hon RF Court MLA Minister for Public Sector Management.
A director is entitled to the remuneration and allowances determined by the Minister on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management.
Recommendation 9 Page 98That the Premier, as Minister for Public Sector Management, take steps to ensure that public sector authorities are required to have in place a management plan which details how to handle a conflict of interest once it is declared.
Summary of Recurrent and Asset Investment Expenditure Ministerial Responsibilities MinisterAgencyServicesPremier; Treasurer; Minister for Public Sector Management; Federal-State RelationsPremier and Cabinet1.
Dr GALLOP to the Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Public Sector Management; Federal Affairs: 47.