Minister or Ministry definition
Examples of Minister or Ministry in a sentence
Upon request from the Minister (or Ministry), Xxxxxx must provide a burden reduction plan that identifies opportunities that Tarion could implement to respond to the government’s commitment to cut red tape and reduce regulatory burden in Ontario.
These include: An evaluator within the meaning of the Health Care Consent Act, 1996;An assessor within the meaning of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992; The Minister or Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; The Minister or Ministry of Health Promotion; The Canadian Blood Services.
With the overall policies and operations set and overseen by the Board of Directors, and the day-to-day work undertaken by the employees of the Sudan Gezira Board, not much is left for the Minister or Ministry of Agriculture to do or oversee in the Scheme.
Upon request from the Minister (or Ministry), the BAO must provide a burden reduction plan that identifies opportunities that the BAO could implement to respond to the opportunities could include legislative and regulatory proposals but should also consider how the BAO can operate more effectively and efficiently and provide improved or increased digital services to their regulated sectors and consumers.
The briefing note should contain the following sections: ISSUE: this describes the item that the briefing note will address KEY MESSAGE: typically this section reflects key messages that the Minister or Ministry representatives can use to speak publicly about the information being disclosed.
Despite any other provision of this MOU, communications shall not include discussion or exchanging of confidential information between Commission personnel and the Minister, Deputy Minister or Ministry staff about current, past or future investigations, cases or proceedings before the Commission, including the Tribunal, or the courts.
The Executive Chair is responsible for: Ensuring that the reports and documents set out in Schedule 2 to this MOU are submitted for review and approval to the Minister, Deputy Minister or Ministry according to prescribed time lines.
Ensuring that the reports and documents set out in Schedule 2 to this MOU are submitted for review and approval to the Minister, Deputy Minister or Ministry according to prescribed time lines.
Such a Trust would not report to a particular Minister or Ministry.
Information The Ministry shall make CAO shall respond in an requests made by reasonable efforts to share with expeditious manner to all the Minister or CAO the context in which the requests made by the Minister or Ministry to CAO request for information is being Ministry.