Minor street means a street, existing or proposed, which is supplementary to a collector street and of limited continuity which serves, or is intended to serve, the local needs of a neighborhood.
Minor street means a street designed to provide access to abutting residential property with only incidental service to through traffic.
Minor street means a street, existing or proposed, of limited continuity which serves or is intended to serve the needs of a local area.
Examples of Minor street in a sentence
Minor street closed at one end with a turnaround provided for passenger vehicles.
Minor street improvements and pothole repairs shall not require the use of porous pavement unless such street already has a porous pavement surface.
Cul de sac: Minor street closed at one end with a turn—around provided for passenger vehicles.
Minor street alignment shall meet the requirements of "Exhibit A" and in no case shall street jogs be offset less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet on the centerline.
Way) Minor street that changes direction or begins and ends on the same street.
More Definitions of Minor street
Minor street means a street which is used primarily for access and circulation to abutting residential properties and which is intended to serve traffic within a limited area. Such a street is typically less than 2 miles in length. It shall have a rightofway width of not less than 40 feet or more than 70 feet and a shouldertoshoulder width of not less than 25 feet or more than 35 feet.
Minor street means a street used primarily for access to the abutting properties.
Minor street means a street used, or intended to be used, primarily for access to abutting properties.
Minor street means a Street with no more than two lanes for which the principal function is access to abutting land and for which traffic movement is a secondary function.
Minor street means a street intended exclusively for access to abutting properties. (Ord. 740 section 10.1.20(B) [part], 1984; Ord. 1043 section 3, 2000)
Minor street means a street intended exclusively for access to abutting property.
Minor street means a street intended primarily for access to abutting properties.