Residential Property. (1) An individual residential dwelling that is developed with open yards on all sides of the dwelling unit, including all manufactured housing (pursuant to C.R.S. 00-00-000(3)) and all mobile homes on permanent foundations, but not including recreational or other wheeled vehicles; (2) a residential dwelling unit in a structure containing two or more such units, the living spaces of which are individually owned, the balance of the property (both land and building) is owned either in common by the owners of the individual units or by an association consisting of such owners; (3) one of at least two individually owned, unconnected residential dwelling units located on property owned either in common by the owners of such units or by an association consisting of such owners; or (4) a legally created parcel of land shown with a separate and distinct number or letter on a subdivision plat recorded in the Official Records, or a parcel described by metes and bounds with access to at least one dedicated public right-of-way and held under separate ownership; and that is zoned for Residential Use.
Residential Property. The Property is a one-to-four family residential home, an individual condominium unit in a low-rise or high-rise condominium project, an individual townhome or an individual unit in a planned unit development.
Residential Property. An apartment, condominium, single‑family home, townhouse, cottage, or other property that is devoted to residential use or occupancy by one or more persons for a definite or indefinite period.
Residential Property. Detached □ Semi-detached □ Duplex □ Terraced □ Apartment □ No. Bedrooms: ____ No. Living Rooms: ____ Total Floor area:___________Sq. Mt. Other Particulars (including details of partial/fully furnished, car parking, etc.):- □ □ □ □ Please specify where “Other”: _____________________________________________________________________ Total Floor Area of Property the subject of the lease: ___________ Sq Mts. (Net/Gr.) (Indicate whether net or gross area) * ITZA (In Terms of Zone A) refers to a method of 'zoning' retail rents. In simple terms 'Zone A' refers to the area of a retail premises which falls within a 6m depth of the shop frontage. 'Zone B' is the 6m depth behind 'Zone A', 'Zone C' the 6m depth behind 'Zone B' and so on. ITZA allows a price per square foot figure to be quoted for the rent making rental comparables easier. Are there Ancillary Demised Areas (e.g. car parking, storage, yards)? Yes □ No □ If “Yes”, Specify Particulars: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Height of Xxxxx (Where relevant – in meters): __________Mts. Area in Hectares: ___________ Agistment Conacre Forestry Details of Work to be Carried out by Tenant (e.g. Fencing, Drainage, Reseeding, Hedge removal, Xxxxxx, etc.) : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details of Buildings (e.g. Barns, Outhouses, etc.) : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
Residential Property. In this agreement “Residential Property” means the buildings, facilities and land known collectively as St. Xxxxxx’x Xxxx.
Residential Property. That portion of the Development Land designated in the Plans and Specifications for the Residential Condominium and the Improvements to be constructed thereon.
Residential Property. In the event of the property being divided up into freehold flats, the Lessor is prepared to guarantee the Lessee a purchase option for the duration of the tenancy.
Residential Property. We reserve the right to have complete and unlimited, possession, use and control of any real property which may ever constitute an asset of the trust estate and which is occupied by us for residential purposes, thereby retaining the requisite beneficial interest and possessory rights in and to such real property to comply with the “Homestead” laws of the State in which such property is located, so that such requisite beneficial interest and possessory rights constitute in all respects “equitable title to real estate”. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, our interest in such real property shall be an interest in real property, and not personalty, and such real property shall be deemed to be our homestead; such use and control shall be without rent or other accountability to the Trustee. As part of such use and control, we, and not the Trustee, shall have the responsibility to manage such property, pay taxes, insurance, utilities and all other charges against the property, and may, at our option, charge such expenses to the trust, or may request reimbursement for any advances made for such purposes.
Residential Property. All attached and detached single and multiple dwelling units within the City that have individual solid waste collection service. Occupant of a residential property. Subcontractor: Person or persons who are performing any part of the scope of work other than the Contractor.
Residential Property. The Relocated Billboards shall not be illuminated between the hours of 11 pm to 5 am when located within five hundred feet (500’) of residentially zoned or used property, as determined by the City in its sole but reasonable discretion, regardless of whether the residentially zoned or used property came to be later in time than the placement of the Relocated Billboards.