Moderate risk waste definition

Moderate risk waste means solid waste that is limited to conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) waste and household hazardous waste (HHW) as defined in chapter 173-350 WAC.
Moderate risk waste means (a) any waste that exhibits any of the properties of dangerous waste but is exempt from regulation under chapter 70A.300 RCW solely because the waste is generated in quantities below the threshold for regulation and (b) any household wastes that are generated from the disposal of substances identified by Ecology as hazardous household substances.
Moderate risk waste means waste that is limited to conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste and household hazardous waste as those terms are defined in chapter 173-350 WAC, as amended.

Examples of Moderate risk waste in a sentence

  • The County shall serve as the planning authority for Solid Waste and Moderate Risk Waste under this Agreement but shall not be responsible for planning for any other waste or have any other planning responsibility under this Agreement.

More Definitions of Moderate risk waste

Moderate risk waste means solid waste that is limited to conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste and household hazardous waste as defined in this chapter.
Moderate risk waste means (a) any waste that exhibits any of
Moderate risk waste means (a) any waste that exhibits any of the properties of hazardous waste but is exempt from regulation under chapter 70.105 RCW solely because the waste is generated in quantities below the threshold for regu- lation, and (b) any household wastes that are generated from the disposal of substances identified by the department as hazardous household substances or substances that exhibit any of the properties of hazardous waste.
Moderate risk waste means (1) any waste that exhibits any of the properties of Hazardous Waste but is exempt from regulation under Chapter 70A.300 RCW solely because the waste is generated in quantities below the threshold for regulation, and (2) any household wastes which are generated from the disposal of substances identified by Ecology as hazardous household substances in the guidelines developed under Chapter 70A.300 RCW.
Moderate risk waste means "(a) anywaste that is limited to conditionally exempt small
Moderate risk waste means moderate risk waste as defined in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70A.300.010(13), as it may be amended from time to time. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) shall have the meaning set forth in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 000-000-000 but excludes Special Waste and Moderate Risk Waste. Person means any natural person, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, corporation or other entity or organization, public or private, and any unit of government or agency thereof. Recycling and Garbage Facility (RAGF) means a solid waste and recycling convenience center. Within this Agreement, the term refers to Recycling and Garbage Facilities located in Hansville, Olalla, and Silverdale.
Moderate risk waste means those wastes defined in WAC 173-303-040 as moderate risk wastes. This may include any waste that exhibits any of the properties of hazardous waste but is exempt from regulation under RCW Chapter 70.105 solely because the waste is generated in quantities below the threshold for regulation, and any household waste which is generated from the disposal of substances identified by the department of ecology as hazardous household substances.