Examples of Monthly concentration in a sentence
Monthly concentration is the sum of the daily concentrations determined during a reporting month (or 30 consecutive days) divided by the number of daily concentrations determined.
Grey line indicates the ICPR environmental objectivefor HCB of c ≤ 40 g kg−1 384 Monthly concentration of PCB-138 in suspended matter (µg kg−1) at the Rhine (1995-2008) 395 Monthly concentration of PCB-153 in suspended matter (µg kg−1) at the Rhine (1995-2008).
Figure 2: Monthly concentration and discharge data and long term components of GAM model (a) and seasonal component of GAM model (b).
Monthly concentration of atmospheric CH4 over the South Sumatran peatland before COVID-19 pandemic (dashed line) and during COVID-19 pandemic (solid line) periods.
Same notation as Table 6 35List of Figures1 Rhine basin and locations of monitoring stations for suspended matter quality, suspended sediment concentration and discharge 362 Scatterplots of the investigated variables discharge (Q in m3 s−1), sus- pended sediments concentration (S in mg L−1), HCB, PCB-138, and PCB-154 (in g kg−1) at Koblenz (1990-2008) 373 Monthly concentration of HCB in suspended matter (g kg−1) at the Rhine (1995-2008).
Same notation as Table 635List of Figures1 Rhine basin and locations of monitoring stations for suspended matter quality, suspended sediment concentration and discharge362 Scatterplots of the investigated variables discharge (Q in m3 s−1), sus- pended sediments concentration (S in mg L−1), HCB, PCB-138, and PCB-154 (in g kg−1) at Koblenz (1990-2008)373 Monthly concentration of HCB in suspended matter (g kg−1) at the Rhine (1995-2008).
Monthly concentration of dissolved ammonia in bulk atmospheric deposition at Mendon Ponds County Park and locally weighted scatterplot smooth (LOWESS) trend line, Monroe County, N.Y., water years 1984-99.