Mooring buoys definition
Examples of Mooring buoys in a sentence
Mooring buoys are generally located in open waters and float on those waters; the anchor used to secure the mooring buoy occupies little of the bottom of the waterbody.
Buoys:• Mooring buoys must be standard white, hard shell, with foam interior and with blue horizontal stripe.
Six Single Point Mooring buoys have been established between 1 and 4 miles to the NE of these platforms.
Mooring buoys must be chosen that will not damage floats or hulls if they are inadvertently struck during water operations.
The term “Berth” or “Berths” means CMT’s docks and mid-stream transfer facilities including CMT's Mooring buoys.
Mooring buoys shall be inflated, formed, molded or fabricated from styrofoam, rubber, plastic or fiberglass and shall be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter.
Mooring buoys shall be painted with the number allocated thereto by the Harbormaster to the mooring, the numeral(s) of which shall be at least three inches in height.
Mooring buoys, when anchored in shallow nearshore waters, can drag the anchor chain across the bottom, destroying submerged vegetation and creating a circular scour hole (Walker et al.
Mooring buoys are anchored devices in water bodies used for the mooring of watercraft.
Mooring buoys are floating markers held in place with cables or chains to the bottom.