Examples of MRI procedure in a sentence
You may not be able to have the MRI procedure if you have certain metal, surgical clips, or implants, including a brain aneurysm clip or a pacemaker, in your body, because during the MRI procedure metal can heat up and move, or clips and implants stop working.
Yale New Haven Hospital Stat MRI procedure for Acute Stroke Evaluation Selected acute stroke patients will undergo a stat MRI procedure to further assess cerebral ischemia and possible candidacy for thrombolysis or neuro-intervention.
Author ManuscriptAs another dynamic MRI procedure, dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging utilizes the susceptibility induced signal loss on T2*-weighted sequences from CA in the dynamic imaging.41 DSC-MRI exploits the regional susceptibility-induced signal loss caused by (super)paramagnetic CA on T2w images.
Patients will be given the Breast Feeding Information Form (Appendix B) prior to their MRI procedure.
To reduce the head movement and complete the MRI procedure, the subjects were sedated with a relatively low dose of oral chloral hydrate (25-50 mg/kg).
For this analysis we have used data from a single visit when patients completed both MRI and MBW, including supine MBW (since this corresponds to the same position as the MRI procedure, and so minimises the effect of changes due to body position or gravity35,36).All of the experimental data in this paper is from a single visit of the studies17,19, and therefore an extensive analysis of the MBW and MRI data has been published previously.
A family member complained to Acumentra Health on behalf of a Medicare beneficiary who was improperly sedated during an MRI procedure and unable to be awakened.
For these reasons, a person with a cochlear implant should also not be near an MRI machine, whether it is in use or not.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) machines, which are sometimes used in research facilities and universities, are similar to MRI machines, so also should not be approached.Some cochlear implants can be compatible with certain types of MRI procedure.
Part of the MRI procedure for the first MRI (to find out if you can take part) includes the injection of a dye that contains gadolinium into your vein, to help enhance the brain images.
Without safety net providers, there is an increased risk of the general public being exposed to these conditions.6 Lurie also points out the important services provided by safety net providers such as immunizations, disease prevention, and oral and mental health services.