Multifamily housing means housing accommodations designed as a residence for more than 1 family.
Multifamily housing means a building or buildings providing housing to 2 or more households, none of which is owner occupied.
Multifamily housing means buildings or structures designed for two or more families for living or sleeping purposes and having kitchen and bath facilities for each family.
Examples of Multifamily housing in a sentence
Multi-family housing projects are designed to increase the supply of rental housing for low and very low-income families.
More Definitions of Multifamily housing
Multifamily housing means a structure with five or more dwelling units serving five or more family residences.
Multifamily housing means one or more multifamily dwellings that are under the same ownership or management.
Multifamily housing means a housing property consisting of more than four dwelling units.
Multifamily housing means site built buildings containing residential dwelling units, but does not include mobile home parks.
Multifamily housing means a building or group of
Multifamily housing means a structure or facility estab- lished primarily to provide housing that provides four or more living units, and where the individual parking spaces that an electric vehi- cle charger serves, and the charging equipment itself, are not deeded to or owned by a single resident.
Multifamily housing means a building or a group of buildings having two or more dwelling units not designed or used as transient accommodations and not including hotels and motels. Multifamily units may result from new construction or rehabilitation or conversion of vacant, underutilized, or substandard buildings to multifamily housing.