Transient accommodations definition
Examples of Transient accommodations in a sentence
Transient accommodations or "short term rentals" are also subject to Florida Sales and county tourist development taxes which are added as a part of your total payment.
Transient accommodations may be provided for up to 30 days unless this period is ex- tended by the Regional Administrator.
Transient accommodations may be provided for up to 30 days unless this period is ex- tended by the Regional Director.
Trees, shrubs and other vegetation are encouraged.LODGING: Transient accommodations offered to the general public.
Transient accommodations, whether rented or owned, not intended for year‐round occupancy or as a primary residence, such as hotels, motels, inns, time‐share condominiums, and certain employee housing.
LANDSCAPED: Any ground covering excluding bare asphalt or bare concrete that covers all bare soil, prevents soil erosion, promotes rainwater infiltration and does not result in the diversion of rainwater to other properties or town-owned land, sidewalks, medians or roads.LODGING: Transient accommodations offered to the general public.
Transient accommodations taxes paid may NOT be taken as a credit against your income tax liability.
Transient accommodations, such as hotels, motels, hospitals and shelters; or2.
R e n t p a y m e n t s s h a ll be i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h t h e fa i r m a r k e t r e n t ( F M R) r a t es es t a blis h ed fo r e a c h ope r a t io n fo r t h e t y pe a n d s ize r eside n ce.( ii) Transient accommodations.
Transient accommodations tax revenue also grew sharply, reflecting strength in the visitor industry.