Examples of MXN in a sentence
Minera Santa Cruz y Garibaldi SA de CV (“MSCG”), a subsidiary of the Company, received a MXN 238 million assessment on October 12, 2010 by Mexican fiscal authorities for failure to provide the appropriate support for certain expense deductions taken in MSCG’s 2006 tax return, failure to provide appropriate support for loans made to MSCG from affiliated companies, and deemed an unrecorded distribution of dividends to shareholders, among other individually immaterial items.
The MXN 122.9 million assessment includes interest and penalties.
All Impacted FCM SwapClear Contracts other than TIIE Interest Rate Swaps denominated in MXN The following provisions are applicable in relation to all Impacted FCM SwapClear Contracts other than Impacted FCM SwapClear Contracts that are TIIE interest rate swaps denominated in MXN.
The Clearing House shall update its books and records to reflect the Discounting Risk Swaps, Cash Compensation Contracts, Cash Valuation Change Amounts (USD), Cash Valuation Change Amounts (MXN), Auction Winner Amounts and Cash Only Client Position Account Auction Adjustments resulting from the operation of this Annex and the Cash Settlement Schedule.
In June 2016, the Company received a MXN 122.9 million ($6,200) tax assessment based on the June 2015 ruling.