Examples of Mātauranga Māori in a sentence
Mātauranga Māori, tino rangatiratanga and the future of New Zealand science.
Māori-centred research - The project is Māori led, and where Mātauranga Māori is used alongside other knowledges (e.g. through frameworks, models, methods, tools, etc.).
The framework recognises ākonga Māori choosing to achieve educational success through Mātauranga Māori as relevant to their worldview, context and practices.
Research involving Māori - Mātauranga Māori may be incorporated in the project, but is not central to the project.
An institution that not does achieve the ratings specified in Rule 13.1 may apply to NZQA to regain the award of the Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark after successfully implementing an action plan agreed between the institution and NZQA.
Ngā tūtohu taurite for Level 7-10 qualifications utilise the New Zealand Qualification Framework Listing and Programme Approval and Accreditation criteria with some minor amendments to ensure they are supportive and conducive to the advancement of Mātauranga Māori, whilst also maintaining quality and consistency across Level 7-10 qualifications within the sector.
These guidelines inform tertiary education organisations about how New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) quality assures educational outcomes prioritising Mātauranga Māori and the acceleration of Māori learner success in the tertiary education context.
This category includes research projects where:• There is specific relevance to Māori.• Mātauranga Māori may be used in a minor way to guide the work and its relevance to Māori.• It includes work that contributes to Māori aspirations and outcomes.
Ongoing monitoring and review should ensure quality assurance, accountability, and reviews for currency over time.TE HONO O TE KAHURANGI This is an evaluative quality assurance framework used by NZQA to recogniseeducational success through Mātauranga Māori as relevant to ākonga Māoriworldview, context and practices.
The majority of teachers discussed the lack of New Zealand specific resources which are aligned to the NZC and NCEA which integrate te Ao Māori, te reo Māori, Mātauranga Māori and the general New Zealand context.