Promotores definition
Examples of Promotores in a sentence
Role PerceptionsDrawing on the findings of chapter 2 and interviewee responses, Figure 7 demonstrates the varied perceptions of central office administrators regarding their role in impacting achievement gaps.
In addition, bilingual staff or Promotores interpreters translate the Planning Tier and any personalized text in each Tier Narrative text box.
Instructors should demonstrate past experience training individuals who provide community health work services, including, but not limited to: Promotores, CHWs, or other health care professionals and paraprofessionals in the previous six years.
Promotores de Salud generally share the ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status, and life experiences of the community members they serve.
Community Benefit programs and clinics include: Neighborhood Care Staff community organizing program, Agents of Change Training in Our Neighborhoods leadership training, Circle of Sisters after- school program, St. Joseph Mobile Health Clinic, House Calls/Home Sweet Home, Promotores de Salud health promotion program, St. Joseph Dental Clinic, Cultivando la Salud Mobile Dental Clinic, and Mighty Mouth dental disease prevention program.
Ph. Eijlander,NOT PRINT-READYin het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties aangewezen commissie in zaal AZ 17 van de Universiteit op maandag 7 november 2011 om 14.15 uur doorJoan Francisca Marquesgeboren op 7 februari 1960 te Paramaribo, Suriname en om 15.15 uur doorSatinder Kumar Dhiman geboren op 5 april 1957 te India Promotores: Prof.
Promotores shall also provide translation, advocacy, support, transportation, and direct services assistance as needed.
Promotores in Mental Health in California and the Prevention and Early Intervention Component of the MHSA.
Approval is requested for an agreement with NVCSS to provide outreach services for the Promotores program, which educates the Latino and Hmong population about mental illness.
An adjunct focus group was done with the Promotores group to learn about health needs specific to the Hispanic population in Humboldt County.