Nalcor Rights definition

Nalcor Rights has the meaning set forth in Section 15.1(a);
Nalcor Rights has the meaning set forth in Section 17.1(a);

Examples of Nalcor Rights in a sentence

  • Statistics suggest, due to childhood obesity, our children may not live longer than we do.

  • No assignment may be made of all or any portion of the Nalcor Rights by Nalcor unless Nalcor obtains the written agreement of all Persons party to the assignment confirming that such Person shall, from and after the date of the assignment, be bound by the provisions of the assigned Nalcor Rights.

  • A change in the direct or indirect shareholders of or shareholdings in a Nalcor Affiliate Assignee that would result in such Nalcor Affiliate Assignee no longer being an Affiliate of Nalcor will be deemed to be an assignment of Nalcor Rights requiring the prior written consent of Emera pursuant to Section 14.1(a), which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

  • A change in the direct or indirect shareholders of or shareholdings in a Nalcor Affiliate Assignee that would result in such Nalcor Affiliate Assignee no longer being an Affiliate of Nalcor will be deemed to be an assignment of Nalcor Rights requiring the prior written consent of Emera pursuant to Section 19.1(a), which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

  • A change in the direct or indirect shareholders of or shareholdings in a Nalcor Affiliate Assignee that would result in such Nalcor Affiliate Assignee no longer being an Affiliate of Nalcor will be deemed to be an assignment of Nalcor Rights requiring the prior written consent of Emera pursuant to Section 15.1(a), which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

  • A change in the direct or indirect shareholders of or shareholdings in a Nalcor Affiliate Assignee that would result in such Nalcor Affiliate Assignee no longer being an Affiliate of Nalcor will be deemed to be an assignment of Nalcor Rights requiring the prior written consent of Emera pursuant to Section 11.1(a), which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

  • As we have repeatedly argued, we are defining a direction of travel that will only be achieved by consensus and collaboration, rather than a highly prescriptive blueprint for exactly where the network must be enhanced.

  • A change in the direct or indirect shareholders of or shareholdings in a Nalcor Affiliate Assignee that would result in such Nalcor Affiliate Assignee no longer being an Affiliate of Nalcor shall be deemed to be an assignment of Nalcor Rights requiring the prior written consent of Emera and NSPI pursuant to Section 15.1(a), which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

Related to Nalcor Rights

  • Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights closely related to copyright including, without limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar Rights.

  • Trade Secret Rights means the rights of an Assignor in any Trade Secret it holds.

  • Licensed IP Rights means, collectively, the Licensed Patent Rights and the Licensed Know-How Rights.

  • Stock Rights means any securities, dividends or other distributions and any other right or property which any Grantor shall receive or shall become entitled to receive for any reason whatsoever with respect to, in substitution for or in exchange for any securities or other ownership interests in a corporation, partnership, joint venture or limited liability company constituting Collateral and any securities, any right to receive securities and any right to receive earnings, in which any Grantor now has or hereafter acquires any right, issued by an issuer of such securities.

  • Company IP Rights means (a) any and all Intellectual Property used in the conduct of the business of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries as currently conducted, and (b) any and all other Intellectual Property owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Registration Rights means the rights of the Holders to cause the Company to Register Registrable Securities pursuant to this Agreement.

  • Background Intellectual Property Rights means Intellectual Property Rights owned, controlled or furnished by either Party other than Foreground Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Use Rights means the license terms and terms of service for each Product published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time. The Use Rights supersede the terms of any end user license agreement that accompanies a Product. License terms for all Products are published in the Product Terms. Terms of service for Online Services are published in the Online Services Terms.

  • Registered Intellectual Property Rights means all Intellectual Property Rights that are the subject of an application, certificate, filing, registration, or other document issued by, filed with, or recorded by, any Governmental Authority in any jurisdiction.

  • Trademark Rights means all common law and other rights (but in no event any of the obligations) in and to the Trademarks in the United States and any state thereof and in foreign countries.

  • Company-Owned IP Rights means Company IP Rights that are owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Trade Secret License means any agreement, whether written or oral, providing for the grant by or to any Grantor of any right in, to or under any Trade Secret.

  • Licensed Intellectual Property Rights means all Intellectual Property Rights owned by a third party and licensed or sublicensed to either the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially equivalent rights anywhere in the world.

  • Stock Appreciation Rights Agreement means a written agreement between the Company and a Holder with respect to an Award of Stock Appreciation Rights.

  • Trademark License Agreement means that certain Trademark License Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F.

  • Stock Purchase Rights means any warrants, options or other rights to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of Common Stock or any Convertible Securities.

  • Company Intellectual Property Agreements means any Contract to which the Company or any Subsidiary is a party or is otherwise bound and (A) pursuant to which the Company or any Subsidiary has granted any rights with respect to any Company Intellectual Property or has been granted any rights with respect to any Third-Party Intellectual Property, or (B) that otherwise governs any Company Intellectual Property.

  • Stock Appreciation Right Agreement means a written agreement between the Company and a holder of a Stock Appreciation Right evidencing the terms and conditions of a Stock Appreciation Right grant. Each Stock Appreciation Right Agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan.

  • Background Intellectual Property means all Intellectual Property introduced and required by either Party to give effect to their obligations under this Agreement owned in whole or in part by or licensed to either Party or their affiliates prior to the Commencement Date or developed after the Commencement Date otherwise pursuant to this Agreement;

  • Water Rights means: (1) with respect to any Person, all of such Person's right, title and interest in and to any water stock, permits or entitlements and any other water rights related to or appurtenant to property owned or leased by such Person, and (2) with respect to any property, any water stock, permits or entitlements and any other water rights related to or appurtenant to such property.

  • Foreground Intellectual Property means all Intellectual Property developed by either Party pursuant to this Agreement;

  • Intellectual Property License Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.11.

  • Trade Secret Licenses means any and all agreements providing for the granting of any right in or to Trade Secrets (whether such Grantor is licensee or licensor thereunder).

  • Company Intellectual Property Rights means Intellectual Property Rights owned by or purported to be owned by, or exclusively licensed to, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Technology Rights means BOARD's rights in any technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings or data created by the inventor(s) listed in Exhibit I at UTMDACC before the EFFECTIVE DATE, which are not claimed in PATENT RIGHTS but that are necessary for practicing PATENT RIGHTS.