Use Rights definition
Examples of Use Rights in a sentence
SaaS Use Rights are subject to SaaS Usage Metrics and any other restrictions in this EULA.
Subject to User’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including acceptable use), Honeywell hereby grants to User a limited, non- transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable right and license to use Know-how solely for its internal business purposes in connection with exercise of SaaS Use Rights.
SaaS Use Rights continue for the period stated in the applicable Proposal, or if no duration is stated, for 12 months from the Effective Date.
Honeywell may without liability immediately suspend User’s Use Rights without notice if Honeywell determines User or Authorized End Users are or may be in violation of this Agreement (including failure to pay Fees by due date), pose a security threat, or User’s use of the SaaS is likely to cause immediate and ongoing harm to Honeywell or others.
User may not resell SaaS Use Rights and may not make copies of the SaaS, in each case except as agreed by Honeywell in writing.