Examples of Native Title Determination in a sentence
S61A(1)- Native Title Determination A search of the Native Title Register has revealed that there is no determination of native title in relation to the area claimed in this application.
The tenement lies within Nyiyaparli Native Title Determination area.
The Lease covers 691 square metres at Yandaran and is located within the boundaries of the Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People’s Native Title Determination (QCD2017/010; QUD6026/2001) (‘the Determination’).
Native Title Determination Application WAD6020/1998 Ngadju (WC1999/002), as registered by the National Native Title Tribunal on 28 September 2000.
Subsequent to the grant of exploration licence E53/1612, which comprises part of the Yandal West project, the Company was notified that it had potentially disturbed or interfered with an area on the Kultju Native Title Determination Area.
A proposed report to the Court that identifies parcels included within the present Native Title Determination Application but not within any report area.
According to the Native Title Determination Hughes on behalf of the Eastern Guruma People (No 2) v State of Western Australia (WAD 6208 of 1998), native title is determined not to exist on the subject land.It is proposed to rezone these portions of land, excise them from their relevant reserves, and develop for residential purposes.
YAC is a Prescribed Body Corporate, under the Native Title Act 1993; and holds in trust for the Yindjibarndi People the Native Title rights and interests that were recognised in the Yindjibarndi Native Title Determination.
S61A(1)- Native Title Determination A search of the National Native Title Register has revealed that there is no determination of native title in relation to the area claimed in this application.
YEC was established in June following an agreement between Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) and renewable energy developer ACEN Corporation (ACEN) to progress the development of major renewable energy projects on Yindjibarndi Ngurra (country) – an area covering approximately 13,000km2 within the Yindjibarndi Native Title Determination Areas.