Examples of Pastoral Lease in a sentence
The area of proposed work occurs wholly within the Wollogorang Station Pastoral Lease.
The Exploration Licence area lies within NT Portion 408, Perpetual Pastoral Lease 946, Phillip Creek Station.
The proposed conservation areas proposed are Conservation Park ex Jaurdi PCP195 and proposed Conservation and Mining Reserve ex Jaurdi Pastoral Lease P5H34.Existing mining tenements M77/427, M77/428, M77/957, M77/958 and M77/965 are almost completely within proposed Conservation and Mining Reserve ex Jaurdi Pastoral Lease P5H34.
The Pastoral Lease also includes the 10 Mile Outcamp accommodation facility, in the NE of the property, and is serviced by the Goldfields Highway and a myriad of pastoral access tracks, including the Agnew and Darlot access roads.
The grant of the Pastoral Lease or other non-extinguishing tenures from time to time in respect of the area of the Stock Routes and Reserves.