Pastoral Lease definition
Pastoral Lease means lease which is a pastoral lease of Crown land granted under section 101 or continued under section 143;
Pastoral Lease means pastoral lease N050129 being Mt. Augustus Station and any extension, renewal, re-grant, remaking or replacement of any such pastoral lease whether extended, renewed, re-granted, remade or replaced as at the date of this agreement or any time during the term of this agreement and includes any pastoral lease granted from time to time in relation to the area of the Stock Routes and Reserves.
Pastoral Lease means the Xxxxxx Pastoral Lease and any extension, renewal or replacement of any such pastoral lease whether granted, extended, renewed or replaced as at the date of this Agreement or any time during the term of this Agreement and includes any pastoral lease granted from time to time in relation to the area of the Stock Route or the Reserves.
Examples of Pastoral Lease in a sentence
The area of proposed work occurs wholly within the Wollogorang Station Pastoral Lease.
The Exploration Licence area lies within NT Portion 408, Perpetual Pastoral Lease 946, Phillip Creek Station.
The proposed conservation areas proposed are Conservation Park ex Jaurdi PCP195 and proposed Conservation and Mining Reserve ex Jaurdi Pastoral Lease P5H34.Existing mining tenements M77/427, M77/428, M77/957, M77/958 and M77/965 are almost completely within proposed Conservation and Mining Reserve ex Jaurdi Pastoral Lease P5H34.
Transactions over a Pastoral Lease additionally require s.134 of the LAA consent.
The payment due on or before 28 December 2016 will be supported by the net proceeds of the sale of the Yakka Munga Pastoral Lease.
More Definitions of Pastoral Lease
Pastoral Lease means, as appropriate:
Pastoral Lease means the parts of each of the following pastoral stations that are in the Determination Area:
Pastoral Lease means lease granted under section 66 (1)
Pastoral Lease means a State lease granted under Section 89;
Pastoral Lease means the lease of an area of Crown land granted under Part VI to any person for grazing purposes.
Pastoral Lease means Pastoral Lease N 049681 being Christmas Creek Station and any extension of the term, renewal or re-grant of that pastoral lease made at any time during the term of this Agreement.
Pastoral Lease means, as appropriate: (a) the pastoral lease which is included in Schedule 5 [of the Agreement], and includes any extension, renewal, re-grant, remaking or replacement of such pastoral lease from time to time; and (b) the land identified with the above pastoral lease.