Active treatment definition

Active treatment means the implementation of an individualized care plan developed under and supervised by a physician and other qualified mental health professionals that prescribes specific therapies and activities.
Active treatment means an ongoing, organized effort to help each resident attain or maintain his or her developmental capacity through the resident’s regular participation, in accord- ance with an individualized plan, in a program of activities designed to enable the resident to attain or maintain the optimal physical, intellectual, social and vocational levels of functioning of which he or she is capable.
Active treatment means treatment from a Physician of a disease, illness or injury that leads to recovery, or to restore the Insured to the previous state of health.

Examples of Active treatment in a sentence

  • Active treatment trials usu- ally include randomization and blind- ing of patients or investigators, or both.

  • Active treatment facility worker may include registered: nurse, licensed practical nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech language pathologist, social worker, pharmacist, psychologist, recreational therapist or respiratory therapist.

  • Active treatment, which patients should have had prior to surgery, will frequently require a repeat of the sessions previously ordered.

  • Active treatment does not include service to maintain generally independent clients who are able to function with little supervision or in the absence of a continuous active treatment program.) AND Has a diagnosis of intellectual disability or a condition that is closely related to ID.

  • Active treatment, which patients will have had prior to the procedure, will frequently require a repeat of the sessions previously ordered (Refer to F.13.

More Definitions of Active treatment

Active treatment means a remedial activity that is not natural attenuation or monitoring but is conducted in situ. Active treatment includes use of biological or chemical agents to aug- ment remediation of contamination.
Active treatment means there is a current need for treatment of the CRS qualifying condition(s) or it is anticipated that treatment or evaluation for continuing treatment of the CRS qualifying condition(s) will be needed within the next 18 months from the last date of service for treatment of any CRS qualifying condition.
Active treatment means implementation and adminis- tration of a professionally developed and supervised individual plan of care, which is developed and implemented no later than 14 days after admission to the facility and is reasonably expected to improve the recipient’s condition to the extent that inpatient care is no longer necessary.
Active treatment means implementation of a professionally developed and supervised individual plan of care (IPC) that involves the member and his or her family or guardian from the time of an admission, and through the treatment and discharge process.
Active treatment means an ongoing, aggressive and consistently applied program of training and treatment services to allow the client to function as independently as possible and main- tain his or her maximum functional abilities.
Active treatment means the treatment as described in 42 CFR 483.440(a), as amended from time to time;
Active treatment means, for the purpose of Phase 3 Clinical Trial Drugs benefit for Stage III and Stage IV Designated Cancers and incurable haematological malignancy under Section 3(l) of Part C of this Other Benefits Endorsement, any therapeutic intervention with the aim of prolonging the Insured Person’s life, for example, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, proton therapy and surgery for a Designated Cancer, including any complications thereof (if applicable). It does not include any treatment given solely as Palliative Treatment. “Activities of Daily Living” shall mean the following: