Artesian water definition
Examples of Artesian water in a sentence
Artesian water has been widely used to supplement irrigation in winter and to irrigate vegetables in summer, in addition to supplying both urban and rural populations with potable water.
Artesian water see the Water Act 2000, schedule 4.Editor’s note: Artesian water means water that occurs naturally in, or is introduced artificially into, an aquifer, which if tapped by a bore, would flow naturally to the surface.Beneficial use means the resource such as water has a beneficial use other than disposal.
Artesian water, ground water, spring water, well water - water from an under- ground aquifer which may or may not be treated.
Artesian water flow was also noted in deep drillholes FWL 69 and 73 in the Southwest area.
Artesian water from deeply buried bedrock aquifers underlies all of the reservation.
Subcommittee on Defense, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Army, 10 a.m., SD–192.
This is known as Artesian water and occurs when the potentiometric surface of the water is above ground level.
Examples of this technique are statistical methods, neural network and bottom-up technique approaches.After a technique is selected and the parameters are calculated, the model generation process is completed for most of the analysts.
Artesian water is available from boreholes on farmsteads; most of the Copperton community uses municipal water from Prieska.
Comment In a memorandum dated July 15, 2013 (See Exhibit A), we provided management with an interim update on the issues with the 2013 sewer bills related to Artesian water consumption.