Negative action definition
Examples of Negative action in a sentence
Policy on Programs at a New Degree LevelAn institution wishing to offer one or more programs at a new degree level must simultaneously submit the program proposal(s) and follow the procedures outlined in Council’s policy on “Escalation of Degree-Level Authority at Public Institutions.” Negative action on the request to confer degrees at a new level results in the denial of the request for any programs at that level.
Similarly, Negative action firms have lower Employee score compared to No action firms, with the difference being statistically significant.
Firms that lay offemployees (i.e., reduce their workforce by at least two percent) in response to the pandemic are classified as Negative action firms.
Negative action may be taken if the center materially violates the terms or conditions of the license issued or fails to maintain the established requirements of child care.
Negative action is implemented to drive the spherical cam mechanism.