Home Care Sample Clauses
Home Care. ♦ Skilled nursing services. ♦ Physician and registered nurse practitioner visits. ♦ Physical, speech, and occupational therapies. ♦ Social services, case management, and counseling. ♦ Personal care. ♦ Homemaker chore services. ♦ Home delivered meals with special diets. ♦ In-home respite care. ♦ Transportation and escort services. ♦ Semi-private room and board. ♦ General medical and nursing services. ♦ Medical surgical/intensive care/coronary care unit. ♦ Laboratory tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic procedures. ♦ Covered Medications and biologicals. ♦ Blood and blood derivatives. ♦ Surgical care, including the use of anesthesia. ♦ Use of oxygen. ♦ Physical, speech, occupational, and respiratory therapy services. ♦ Medical social services and discharge planning. ♦ Emergency room and ambulance services.
Home Care. The Employer shall continue its 403 (B) retirement plan during the term of this agreement, however, the Employer will not be required to contribute funds to employee plans effective February 1, 2020.
Home Care. We shall indemnify You in respect of the cost incurred for the following services at Your Building up to the limit stated in the Schedule. This benefit is only applicable for the following categories and You may acquire such services from Our partner’s website or any other service provider: • Termites or Bed Bugs Pest Control in the event there is an infestation of termites or bed bugs in Your Building; or • Disinfection service in the event You or any of Your Family member(s) or Occupier(s) is/are infected with a notifiable disease or illness. For purpose of this provision, the term “notifiable disease or illness” shall mean a disease or illness sustained by You or any of Your Family member(s) or Occupier(s) due to any infectious or contagious disease resulting from human to human transmission [excluding all Sexually Transmitted Disease and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)] which the relevant public authority has stipulated and is to be notified to the relevant public authority. Additionally, for purpose of this provision, the term “occupier” shall mean an individual who is not Your Family Member staying at Your Building with Your Building being his or her place of residence. This benefit shall cease upon one (1) valid claim made. (Applicable for SECTION V - LANDLORD INSURANCE) This Section applies, where You have rented Your Building to a tenant.
Home Care. Shift differential shall not apply to Home Care nurses.
Home Care. The Medical Center may provide, up to four times a year, a Medical Center car to nurses working in Home Care to provide them the opportunity to have maintenance done on their private car used for Medical Center work, subject to availability of a Medical Center car.
Home Care. This Section shall not apply to Home Care nurses.
Home Care. Home Care nurses on standby who respond to a telephone call from a patient which results in a home visit to the patient by the nurse will consider the telephone call as part of the visit for pay purposes. The nurse on standby shall receive time and one-half (1½) for a minimum of three (3) hours each time the nurse leaves her or his home for a visit(s). Phone calls received by Home Care nurses on standby which do not result in a visit shall be logged and paid for at time and one-half (1½) for all the time worked with no minimum.
Home Care. The Inmates level of home care is determined. Ability, knowledge and effort concerning proper and effective oral health care will be assessed.
Home Care. If the Illness or Injury suffered by the Insured Person requires the Insured Person to be necessarily attended by a Qualified Nurse immediately subsequent to the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital, we shall pay the daily benefit amount specified in the Policy Schedule / Certificate of Insurance for each continuous and completed day of attendance by a Qualified Nurse at the Insured Person’s home provided that:
i. The Insured Person’s Hospitalization continues for more than 5 consecutive days unless a separate period is specified in the Policy Schedule /Certificate of Insurance.
ii. We shall not be liable to make payment under this Benefit for a period of more than number of days as specified in the Policy Schedule / Certificate of Insurance from the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital.
iii. The treating Medical Practitioner’s Prescription must specify that medical services of a Qualified Nurse are required to be provided to the Insured Person at his/her home;
iv. We have accepted a Claim for the same period of Hospitalization of the Insured Person under C.I.1 Emergency Medical Expenses (Accident & Illness) or C.I.2 Emergency Medical Expenses (Accident Only).
Home Care. Angus Council provides a range of home care services directly. This includes home support, personal care, community alarm, and community meals. In addition home care services are purchased from approved providers.