Examples of Corrective Action Plan in a sentence
Corrective Action Plan: Suppliers falling short of ACM2 Standard for ACM2 Milk will be required to implement and document an appropriate action plan to ensure that future Milk supplied is A1 protein free.
For substantiated findings, the County RFA staff shall develop a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the RF to correct identified deficiencies or may take other action as specified in the RFA WDs. Nevertheless, if a County determines that it is not possible to correct an identified deficiency, then the County shall document the deficiency and may proceed with the necessary administrative action as specified int the RFA WDs.
If the Grantee does not submit the required Single Audit reporting package, management letter (if one is issued) with a response, and Corrective Action Plan within nine months after the end of the Grantee’s fiscal year and an extension has not been approved by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit, the Department may withhold from the current funding an amount equal to five percent of the audit year’s grant funding (not to exceed $200,000) until the required filing is received by the Department.
CONTRACTOR shall be subject to the issuance of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the failure to perform to the level of contracted objectives, continuing to not meet goals and expectations, and/or for non- compliance.
The Single Audit reporting package must include all components described in Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 200.512 (c) including a Corrective Action Plan, and management letter (if one is issued) with a response to the Department.