Examples of Net Liquidity in a sentence
On the termination of the Liquidity Facility, or if the Liquidity Facility Provider subsequently obtains the ratings referred to above, the un-utilised portion of the Cash Deposit must be repaid to the Liquidity Facility Provider and (except in the case of the termination of the Liquidity Facility) any Remaining Net Liquidity Shortfalls occurring thereafter will be satisfied by the Liquidity Facility Provider meeting a direct claim under the Liquidity Facility.
On the termination of the Liquidity Facility, or if the Liquidity Facility Provider subsequently obtains the ratings referred to above, the un-utilised portion of the Cash Deposit must be repaid to the Liquidity Facility Provider and (except in the case of the termination of the Liquidity Facility) any Net Liquidity Shortfalls occurring thereafter will be satisfied by the Liquidity Facility Provider meeting a direct claim under the Liquidity Facility.
Remaining Net Liquidity ShortfallIf the Principal Draw is less than the Net Liquidity Shortfall for the Monthly Period (such deficit being a “ Remaining Net Liquidity Shortfall”), the Trustee may be entitled to request or apply an Applied Liquidity Amount under the Liquidity Facility for an amount equal to the lesser of the Remaining Net Liquidity Shortfall and the amount which is available for drawing under the Liquidity Facility (see Section 9.2).
If during the Cash Deposit Period the Manager determines that a Net Liquidity Shortfall has occurred, the amount of such shortfall must be satisfied from the amount deposited in the Cash Deposit Account.
At the end of the “anchor support period” (strands and/or bars) are to be decommissioned and de-stressed (if applicable).