Examples of Network Entry Agreement in a sentence
The Transporter may agree pursuant to a Network Entry Agreement or Network Exit Provisions (or other agreement with the relevant person) upon procedures or steps to be taken in a Gas Supply Emergency by the Transporter or another Transporter or a Delivery Facility Operator or Connected System Operator and may give effect to such procedures or steps in addition to or in lieu of any Emergency Steps pursuant to this Section Q.
The availability of the UNC terms related to the Storage service at the relevant IP would be contingent on the establishment of Network Exit Provisions and a Network Entry Agreement (between National Grid and the relevant Interconnector Operator) as per the existing requirements of TPD I1.3.1 and TPD J1.5.2. PrecedentA new ‘dual purpose’ point (i.e. IP and Storage Connection Point) will need to be reflected in the relevant commercial and regulatory arrangements.
The second is a guideline limit of 10ppm (0.001mol%) contained in National Grid’s Gas Ten Year Statement, which is currently in place in the South Hook LNG National Grid Network Entry Agreement (NEA).This limit was applied at the nearby Dynevor Arms LNG storage facility in South Wales to mitigate the potential for water formation within the molecular sieves.
The presence of up to 0.2mol% oxygen in the gas would have therefore reduced the performance of that process and limited the life of those assets.WhyGS(M)R (1996) allows for maximum O2 levels of 2000ppm (0.2 mol%), however the current oxygen content limits set out in the Network Entry Agreement (NEA) at South Hook LNG Terminal are set at 10ppm (0.001mol%).A small level of oxygen breakthrough from the Nitrogen Generation Unit (NGU) at the terminal can cause the 10ppm limit to be breached.
The solution to the issue raised in this proposal is to increase the permitted oxygen content of the gas in the South Hook LNG Network Entry Agreement from 0.001 mol% to 0.02 mol%.
This is an enabling Modification that seeks to facilitate an increase in oxygen limit in the Network Entry Agreement at the SAGE Terminal between National Grid Gas Plc and SAGE North Sea Limited (SNSL).
The ability of a Delivery Facility Operator (“DFO”) to deliver gas to the NTS at an entry point (or subterminal) is limited by the Network Entry Provisions contained in the relevant bilateral Network Entry Agreement between the DFO and National Grid NTS.
The solution to the issue raised in this proposal is to increase the permitted oxygen content of the gas in the SAGE Network Entry Agreement from 0.001 mol% to 0.01 mol%.
Security of supply The ability of a Delivery Facility Operator (DFO) to deliver gas to the NTS at an entry point (or subterminal) is limited by the Network Entry Provisions contained in the relevant Network Entry Agreement (NEA) between the DFO and the relevant gas transporter.
The IA between NGT and BBLC at Bacton IP takes effect as both a Network Entry Agreement and a Network Exit Agreement.