New distributor definition

New distributor means any person who begins the sale of Perc, directly or indirectly, to dry cleaners in California after January 1, 2008.
New distributor means a Distributor who has not yet attained the level of Assistant Supervisor in the Company Marketing Plan.

Examples of New distributor in a sentence

  • New distributor price will come into effect in the third quarter of this year to mitigate for the increase in cost of production and storage costs.

  • New distributor prices came into effect on February 15, 2009 to help mitigate the increase in cost of production and storage costs.

  • New distributor contracts and 22 new Vianor industrial stores in the Nordic countries were established to meet the increasing customer demand for technical services.

More Definitions of New distributor

New distributor means a so-called "Major" third party distribution company or other third party distributor reasonably approved by BMG which operates in the prerecorded record business segment of the record industry, is ordinarily regularly engaged in distributing to Customer(s) product(s) similar to Owner's Product(s), agrees to render Distribution Services as Owner's new distributor, and agrees, upon and after the expiration of the Term, to accept all returns of Owner's Product(s) and to be solely and fully responsible for crediting BMG's Customer(s) in accordance with the terms hereof and otherwise fulfilling the obligations contemplated by this paragraph.
New distributor means a Distributor which has not previously executed a Distributor’s Guarantee and/or Certificate and an accompanying Dist. Guar. (D3) List of Product Lines for a particular centralized contract (PT ).
New distributor means an electricity distributor that was created on the date of amalgamation by proclamation under section 6A of the Act; 1995—No. 586
New distributor means a BMG approved "major third party distribution company" (other than a Customer(s)) which operates in the prerecorded record business segment of the media/entertainment industry, is ordinarily and regularly engaged in distributing to Customer(s) a product(s) which is substantially similar to Owner's Product(s), agrees to render Distribution Services as Owner's new distributor, and which further agrees, upon and after the expiration of the Term, to accept all returns of Owner's Product(s) and Non-BMG Product(s) and to be solely and fully responsible for crediting BMG's Customer(s) and otherwise fulfilling the obligations contemplated by this Paragraph.

Related to New distributor

  • Sub-Distributor means any sub-distributor appointed by the Distributor in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank as a sub-distributor to the Company;

  • Wine distributor means a person who buys wine from

  • Wholesale distributor means any person other than a manufacturer, a manufacturer's co-licensed

  • host distributor means a distributor who is a market participant and who distributes electricity to another distributor who is not a market participant.

  • licensed distributor means any holder of a distribution licence.

  • Beer distributor means a person who buys beer from a domestic

  • embedded distributor means a distributor who is not a wholesale market participant and that is provided electricity by a host distributor;

  • Wholesale drug distributor means anyone engaged in the

  • Authorized Distributor means a Distributor distributing product within the terms of an Original Component Manufacturer (OCM) or the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) contractual agreement. Contractual Agreement terms include, but are not limited to, distribution region, distribution products or lines, and warranty flow down from the OCM/OEM. Under this distribution, the distributor would be known as an Authorized Distributor. The term Franchised Distributor is considered synonymous with Authorized Distributor.

  • Reverse distributor means a person or company that retrieves unusable or outdated drugs from a pharmacy for the purpose of removing those drugs from stock and destroying them.

  • Independent Distributor means a person, business, or firm that is neither authorized nor franchised by an Original Component Manufacturer (“OCM”) to sell or distribute the OCM’s products but which purports to sell, broker, and/or distribute such OCM products. Independent Distributors are also referred to as unfranchised distributors, unauthorized distributors, and/or brokers.

  • Master distributor means a wholesaler who acts in the same or similar capacity as a brewer or outstate seller of beer for a brand or brands of beer to other wholesalers on a regular basis in the normal course of business.

  • Distributor means a person who distributes.

  • Input Service Distributor means an office of the supplier of goods or services or both which receives tax invoices issued under section 31 towards the receipt of input services and issues a prescribed document for the purposes of distributing the credit of central tax, State tax, integrated tax or Union territory tax paid on the said services to a supplier of taxable goods or services or both having the same Permanent Account Number as that of the said office;

  • Distributor / Distribution Company means Company(ies), Firm(s), Sole Proprietorship concern(s), individual(s), Banks or any other Financial Institution appointed by the Management Company under intimation to the Trustee for performing any or all of the Distribution Functions and who are registered with MUFAP as Registered Service Providers. The Management Company may itself also performs the Distribution Function.

  • Exclusive distributor means any individual, corporation, limited liability company, or limited

  • Selling Retailer The entity selling the Covered Product and this Agreement.

  • Distributor representative means a person who is licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles

  • Selling Partner has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5.

  • OMP means Occupational Medical Practitioner

  • Licensed dealer means a person who is federally licensed under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 923(a).

  • Reseller is a category of CLECs who purchase the use of Finished Services for the purpose of reselling those Telecommunications Services to their End User Customers.

  • Distributors means the authorized distributors, agents, sub-distributors of Quick Heal, selling Quick Heal range of products, including sales through Internet.

  • Selling Group has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.2;

  • Selling Party has the meaning set forth in the definition of “Net Sales.”

  • Wholesale distribution means distribution of prescription drugs to persons other than consumers or