Examples of New EC in a sentence
There is a clear code of conduct for staff and volunteers which sets out the use of digital technologies, mobile phones and personal photographic equipment around children.
New EC laws and regulations have also been passed and adjusted to provide legal protections for EC activities in general.
For some more background information, see Paul Vandoren & Patrick Ravillard, A New EC Initiative to Allow Export of Medicines under Compulsory Licences to Poor Countries, 8 J.
New EC type-approved vehicles accompanied by a valid certificate of conformity may not be required to undergo a new approval of their technical characteristics or to comply with additional technical requirements concerning their construction and functioning, unless they have been modified after leaving the manufacturer's factory.
New EC members have joined and we are looking forward to building EC campaigns.
HKHS shall pay to the tenant the net surplus amount of Entry Contribution after HKHS has deducted from the difference between the New EC* and the Existing Lease EC Refund** all payments which the tenant is liable to pay to HKHS due to the transfer of premises.
New EC directives should contain provisions establishing their legal.
The program nurtured and accelerated the opportunities for public and private sector institutions to test and implement new organizational, management and financing structures (pilot projects referred to as "Working Models") for health services delivery systems as Russia moves toward a greater reliance on a market-oriented economy.
Bronckers, ‘Private Participation in the Enforcement of WTO Law: the New EC Trade Barriers Regulation’, 33 CML Rev (1996) 299; Kuyper, ‘The New WTO Dispute Settlement: the Impact on the European Community’, 29 JWT (1995) 49; Molyneaux, ‘The Trade Barriers Regulation: The European Union as a Player in the Globalisation Game’, 5 European Law Journal (1999) 375; Sundberg and Vermulst, ‘The EC Trade Barriers Regulation, An Obstacle to Trade?’, 35 JWT (2001) 989; and Mengozzi, supra note 16, at 330 et seq.
Christoph Bergwitz, Die Neuen EG-Richtlinien zur Beweislast bei Geschlecht- sbedingter Diskriminierung [The New EC Directives on the Burden of Proof in Cases of Gender Discrimination], 52 DER BETRIEB 94, 97 (1999) (Ger.); Alexander Leuchten, Der Einfluss der EG-Richtlinien zur Gleichbehandlung auf das deutsche Arbeitsrecht [The Influ- ence of the EC Equal Treatment Directives on German Employment Law], 19 NEUE ZEIT- SCHRIFT FU¨ R ARBEITSRECHT [NZA] 738, 740 (2002) (Ger.).