Examples of New Markets in a sentence
K., Lange, J.: Parimutuel Applications in Finance: New Markets for New Risks.
Submit all filings of Form 468 to the Office of New Markets Venture Capital in the Invest- ment Division of SBA.
It shall be unlawful for any officer, director, employee, agent, or other participant in the management or conduct of the affairs of a New Markets Venture Capital company to engage in any act or practice, or to omit any act or prac- tice, in breach of the person’s fiduciary duty as such officer, director, employee, agent, or par- ticipant if, as a result thereof, the company suf- fers or is in imminent danger of suffering finan- cial loss or other damage.
Each New Markets Venture Capital company that participates in the program established under this part shall be subject to examinations made at the direction of the Investment Divi- sion of the Small Business Administration in ac- cordance with this section.
Such inspections and/or audits may also be conducted to investigate a taxpayer’s claim for a New Markets Tax Credit, including a potential event of recapture pursuant to IRC § 45D(g) and 26 C.F.R. 1.45D-1(e)(2).
In accordance with this section, the Admin- istrator may make grants to New Markets Venture Capital companies and to other enti- ties, as authorized by this part, to provide operational assistance to smaller enterprises financed, or expected to be financed, by such companies or other entities.
In accordance with this section, the Ad- ministrator may make grants to specialized small business investment companies to pro- vide operational assistance to smaller enter- prises financed, or expected to be financed, by such companies after the effective date of the New Markets Venture Capital Program Act of 2000.
The Administrator may make supplemental grants to New Markets Venture Capital com- panies and to other entities, as authorized by this part under such terms as the Adminis- trator may require, to provide additional oper- ational assistance to smaller enterprises fi- nanced, or expected to be financed, by the companies.
None of the assistance made available under this section may be used for any overhead or general and administrative expense of a New Markets Venture Capital company or a special- ized small business investment company.(Pub.
A Federal savings association may invest in stock, obligations, or other securities of any New Markets Venture Capital company as defined in section 689 of title 15, except that a Federal savings association may not make any investment under this subpara- graph if its aggregate outstanding invest- ment under this subparagraph would exceed 5 percent of the capital and surplus of such savings association.