Newsrack definition
Examples of Newsrack in a sentence
Then there is a map exp : ∗ of sheaves of abelian groups defined byexp(U ) : O(U ) → O∗(U ), f '→ exp(f ).
The Newsrack Permit Application and any Newsrack Permit Renewal Application shall include an Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement in favor of the City in substantial compliance with this section, which must be executed by the permittee prior to the issuance of any permit under this division.
Held over from October 18, 2005)From: Councilmember WorthingtonRecommendation: Refer to the City Manager to review city ordinances, interpretations, and operations in regards to Newsrack regulation.
The New York City Newsrack Committee has sug- gested a newsrack legislation package that covers an application/registration process, fees to help finance enforcement, standardization, permanent placement, limits as to numbers/locations of newsracks, elimi- nation of redundancy and provisions for abandon- ment, appearance/cleanliness, advertising parameters, streamlined enforcement procedures as well as the promotion of multiracks.
Once this position is filled, the DPW will move aggressively and proactively with regards to enforcement of the Newsrack Ordinance, and will develop recommendations to improve its effectiveness, if necessary.