Examples of Next biennium in a sentence
Should have news on approvals in June.• 6 projects moving forwardo ESIneto GIS upgradeso Statewide Radio Over IP (ROIP)o Host Remote CPEo Host Remote CADo CAD to CAD live interface• Budget statuso End of biennium‐ Deficit.o Next biennium budget $53.8 M revenue expected/$53.2 planned.• Legislative statuso Travis Bill did not pass.o HB1109 passed $100,000 allocated to comprehensive study of the efficiency of 911 in Washington State.
Next biennium, they will have the opportunity to apply for funding.
Next biennium STF funds will be combined with State Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF).
Next biennium, the Clawback payment will be for the entire biennium or 24 months.