Examples of Nominal dollars in a sentence
Budget Year Dollars is also to be referred to as Nominal dollars.
Table 1 – Global public-private partnership deals by sector and region 1985-2009 Notes:Latin America includes Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean.Cost US$m refers to Nominal dollars, converted to USD at time of financial close.This database comprises data collected by PWF’s International Major Projects Survey.
Nominal dollars or pricing represent the actual price that would have been paid in the given year.
Nominal dollars are year of expenditure dollars, adjusted by 3% annually to account for inflation.Funding for the Sewer Plant and Water Plant are shown as allocations to debt service on Table 15.
Pucilowski submits that the district court engaged in impermissible factfinding in concluding that her release of federal discrimination claims was knowing and voluntary.
For further details: http://www.nbnco.com.au/assets/media-releases/2013/internet-speed-doubles-fixed-wireless.pdf.8 Stated as cumulative Nominal dollars for the period covering FY2011-FY2021.
Nominal dollars are in contrast to real dollars, which are corrected for inflation for comparison purposes, to account for the time value of money.Example of “Check” and “Notes” cells:CheckProject Size and Performance 3.
After adjusting for late payments and collections due to enforcement activities, the net tax gap fell to $271 billion for individual income taxes, $77 billion for employment taxes, and $32 billion for corporate income taxes.Figure 2.−Size of the Gross Tax Gap by Category of Error, 2011-2013 (Billions) (Nominal dollars) $400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 $352 $50 $39 Underreporting Underpayment Nonfiling Source: Internal Revenue Service, Tax Gap Estimates for Tax Years 2011–2013, September 2019.
Figure 1 summarizes the history of per student current expenditures in constant 2013 dollars 2 in the US from the 1970/71 through the 2011/12 school years.3 Nominal dollars are deflated by the GDP deflator.4 Two important results emerge from that graph.
Form G2: Annual Fixed Costs Schedule (Nominal dollars) Fixed Cost (Nominal dollars)Contract Year 1Contract Year 2Contract Year 3Contract Year 4Contract Year 5 1.