Examples of Nominated Borrower in a sentence
Confirm details of anyone else living in the security property who is not a Nominated Borrower (for instance, tenants, relatives or caregivers).
Yes No ☐ ☐– The loan balance will become due and payable at the end of the 5 year term or,if earlier, should the last Nominated Borrower pass away.
Yes NoIf the application is for a Standard Reverse Mortgage, the loan balance will become due and payable when the last Nominated Borrower no longer resides in the home (this could be dueto moving house, moving into a retirement village or aged care, or death).
Please detail why the primary residence is not being used as security: Do you understand: That under a Secondary Property Loan, the loan balance will become due and payable when the security property is sold or the last Nominated Borrower no longer resides in their owner occupied home (or primary residence).
Hence, the main focus of my research is on the role of female Madaris for preparing young women for their social and economic roles in society.
Other occupier(s) Confirm details of anyone else living in the security property who is not a Nominated Borrower (for instance, tenants, relatives or caregivers).
Marital Status Given Names Surname Date of Birth Country(s) of Citizenship Home Phone Mobile Email If the residential or postal address details are different for Nominated Borrower 2, please advise in the additionalnotes section at the back of this form.
Please note that other occupiers will not benefit from lifetime occupancy, and they will be required to sign an acknowledgement prior to settlement, confirming that they understand the loan must be repaid after the last Nominated Borrower exits their home.
Yes No ☐ ☐– If the application is for a Standard Reverse Mortgage, the loan balance will become due and payable when the last Nominated Borrower no longer resides in the home (this couldbe due to moving house, moving into a retirement village or aged care, or death).
Yes No – If the application is for a Standard Reverse Mortgage, the loan balance will become due☐ ☐and payable when the last Nominated Borrower no longer resides in the home (this couldbe due to moving house, moving into a retirement village or aged care, or death).