Examples of Noncarcinogenic risk in a sentence
Non-carcinogenic risk resulting from dermal contact and ingestion of toxic heavy metals in water for adults and children shows no apparent risk to exposed populations because hazard quotient and hazard index values are less than 1.
Noncarcinogenic risk, such as the risk of liver damage or reproductive abnormalities, is evaluated through the calculation of a hazard index for each chemical of concern.
Noncarcinogenic risk is assessed by comparing the estimated daily intake of a chemical to its RfD.
Non-carcinogenic risk is evaluated by dividing the daily dose resulting from site exposure by the EPA estimate of acceptable intake (or reference dose) for chronic exposure.
To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.Proceedings of the 30th VLDB Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2004making efficient use of a smaller but faster memory (RAM).
See the terms and conditions of the award for further information.
Noncarcinogenic risk values for Disposal Area soils were estimated at an HI below one for a trespasser or future resident.
The calculated individual lifetime risk has been compared with assessment criteria to check the acceptability of the risks at the identified ASRs. Non-carcinogenic risk: Annual average and maximum 1-hour average concentrationstogether with the background pollutant concentrations should be directly compared with the chronic reference concentration and the acute reference concentration.)NO2/NOx ConversionThe NO2/NOx conversion for all emissions was estimated based on the Ozone Limiting Method (OLM).
They are facing a court case without representation because no one was available for them, so they check to see if we can find them a volunteer lawyer.
Noncarcinogenic risk (HIs) ranges from 3.0 for the receptor at the southeast comer of the FEMP to 77 on the southern boundary of the site.